Tag credit

Success Story

Success Story

Meet Berlinda: CCCS Success Story To become a success story, contact us: For information on avoiding debt settlement:

Free Workshop Series

Savannah Tech Free Workshop Series

Presented by Savannah Technical College and CCCS Savannah Technical College’s Economic Development Division and Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Savannah (CCCS) are offering a free, three-part workshop series. Class one is Wednesday, May 20th, 2020 12:30 pm-1:30 pm offered online.…

Credit Building for Small Business Owners

Credit Building for Small Business Owners

Free, Virtual “Credit Building for Small Business Owners” Workshop CCCS and SBAC partner to offer Credit Building for Small Business Owners virtual workshop. Are you a small business owner that would like to improve their credit score? If so, call…

Bank On This Financial Tips Videos

The City of Savannah’s Government Television uploaded financial tips videos from Bank On This segments: These videos are a great way to get financial tips during the #COV-19 quarantine. Although we cannot provide in-person financial workshops, thanks to Wayne Nix…

Catholic Sentinel Features CCCS

Catholic Sentinel

A Catholic Sentinel article featured CCCS Director of Education, Richard Reeve yesterday. Mr. Reeve presented at a conference in Portland alongside Catholic Charities of Oregon and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation. The focus of this conference was on credit, debt,…

Why Yellow Credit Packets?

CCCS Home page

Yellow Credit Packets: Hello Everyone, If our title question has you on the edge of your seat or if you are unable to make it to one of our Credit Workshops, worry not. Below you will find a recorded CCCS…

Credit Report Errors and How to Dispute Them

Credit Report Errors and How to Dispute Them

If any of the information on your credit report is inaccurate, follow these three steps to effectively dispute credit report errors: 1. Write a letter to the credit reporting company, explaining which information is wrong. 2. Along with the letter,…

Clinton Global Initiative

John Wills and Bill Clinton

CCCS President, John Wills, traveled to Denver, Colorado for three days in June for the annual Clinton Global Initiative America meeting. John was joined by other leaders in business, government sectors, and civil society to address economic recovery in America. The…

Inner Financial Child

Inner Financial Child

Inner Financial Child: Many of our money habits are learned from our parents and other family members. Some are good habits and some are not so good. It’s often that we do not realize our financial habits until we are…